Why am I so Drawn to Islands?

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The other day I was thinking about why I like Islands so much. Besides the fact that most of them are warm, tropical, and are filled with palm trees, which is very different from Minnesota, I think it has to do with bridges. Most islands are accessible by bridges and when I go over one and have arrived on an island, there is a sense of “getting away from it all.”

Whenever I drive over the intracoastal waterway on the east coast I am immediately transported to my happy place! I know there is a beach beckoning me, and that vast ocean lies beyond it.

When I go on cruises, the ship is something of an island out in the middle of nothing but water. I feel like a tiny dot in this huge world when all I can see is the ocean around me – not a spec of land or another ship in sight.

Even if the island is not tropical – Mackinac in Michigan comes to mind – I am still excited to go, to leave the mainland and travel to this place where you have to make a choice to go – to cross over that bridge, get on a plane, or board a ferry.

Are you choosing to go to an island soon? Let me know which one you have picked!

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